Supporting Stellar Sleep:

Bring the best rest to your clients/patients by incorporating evidence-based sleep education into your practice.


Want to help your clients and patients sleep better and thrive?

Sign up for Supporting Stellar Sleep, and in just 6 weeks, you’ll be able to confidently provide evidence-based sleep education and coaching, adding value to the services you offer AND saving your clients precious time, energy, and money.

Or, you might love it so much that you decide to add sleep coaching services to your practice, and additional income into your pocket!

Want to make a lucrative pivot to a career that offers the ultimate flexibility? Become a Sleep Coach!

Sign up for Supporting Stellar Sleep (tracks 1 and 2) and you’ll get all the education, tools, and mentoring you need to become the best new Sleep Coach in town.

The field of sleep coaching needs more smart, compassionate coaches who will meet families where they are with flexible, compassionate, mindful, and evidence-based support.

 Your clients/patients deserve stellar sleep, and they can get this from YOU!

Here’s how the training will help your clients:

  • Their children will sleep better and they will sleep better.

  • They will be healthier—mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  • They will save time and money by learning directly from you, rather than having to search for a trustworthy and affordable Sleep Coach (industry prices are extremely high and there is no licensing to ensure quality).

  • The benefits of work that you’re already doing with them will be elevated once they’re well rested!

Here’s how this training will help YOU:

  • You’re already providing awesome care to your clients/patients—now you’ll be able to give them the gift of quality sleep, to further support them in reaching their highest potential.

  • If you want to add Sleep Coaching services to your practice, you’ll have a new revenue stream available to you.

  • You’ll be able to offer high quality, personalized, effective sleep guidance to your clients.

    • The default recommendations to improve sleep are basic sleep hygiene recommendations for adult sleep and Cry it Out or Ferber for pediatric sleep. You won’t be able to shift a person’s or family’s sleep habits and hence sleep patterns with these recommendations alone. Supporting Stellar Sleep will give you everything you need to provide evidence-based, effective, and lasting sleep solutions to the parents and families you support.

  • Need continuing education credits? Just let us know and we’ll look into it for you!

  • Or, if you’re looking for a career pivot, the field of Sleep Coaching is growing by the day and you will be an asset to the field and tired parents everywhere. Since there are no licensing requirements, you can practice across state and international lines to expand your practice as large as you’d like!

Supporting Stellar Sleep training is FLEXIBLE and AFFORDABLE 

Flexible format:

  • Join weekly live classes or begin the training and watch the recordings at your own pace, whenever you’d like!

Two tracks to meet your specific needs:

  • Track I: Join us only for the first component of the training: pediatric sleep education ($495)

    • This is ideal if you want to incorporate sleep education into your current work, to better serve your existing clients/patients.

    • Continuing Education may be available!

  • Track II: Stick around for the second component of the training as well: becoming a Sleep Coach ($895)

    • This is ideal for folks who’d like to open their own sleep coaching practice (which can be done virtually, from your home, with zero overhead!), or who’d like to broaden the scope of your current work or practice to include sleep consulting.

    • Track I is a prerequisite for Track II

Scholarships, discounts, and payment plans are readily available:

  • The field of Sleep Coaching lacks diversity and service costs are prohibitively high for many. The reality is that sleep coaching is available only to those who can afford to pay hundreds of dollars at the drop of a hat, and to those who know that the service exists. Together, we change this reality!

    • To this end, for every 5 full-paying trainees, I offer a scholarship spot in the training. Please email me to apply.



“I loved learning from Liz and would highly recommend this training to anyone working with babies or children and their caregivers!

As a child psychologist-in-training, I appreciated her focus on research and evidence-based techniques. I feel better able to help the families navigate sleep challenges during early childhood. I will use the sleep education I learned to better serve my clients.”

- Gemma Stern, PhD (Track I student)

“As an early childhood educator for 10+ years, I thought I knew it all as a new parent.

But I soon learned I knew nothing about one key topic: sleep. I was sleepless, exhausted, and clueless. The teacher in me read and investigated like crazy. But nothing I found felt right--the conflicting information and dogma in the world of baby and pediatric sleep are maddening.

But then I found Little Dipper and it changed our lives forever. Liz's flexible approach and communication skills were spot on, leading to better sleep for all.

I became so passionate about sleep that I wanted to keep learning! I was lucky enough to join her first training program. Now I have a new, impactful career as a Sleep Coach. I decide my own schedule and get to spend time with my family while working on something I love. If you're considering becoming a Sleep Coach, look no further!”

-Nidia Salazar, Sleep Coach (Track II student)



We’ll cover all of the topics below, and so much more. This is just a sampling of some of the main topics. Feel free to email for the full list of topics and training requirements.

Healthy Sleep Foundations

When it comes to pediatric sleep, laying a healthy sleep foundation is essential. We’ll cover topics such as timing, schedules, routines, and sleep environment. When healthy sleep foundations are in place, sleep quality improves and everyone sleeps better.

Evidence-Based Sleep Coaching

When we recommend strategies to parents to improve their child’s sleep, or any other health issue for that matter, ensuring the guidance is evidence-backed keeps everyone safe. We’ll also discuss some evidence-backed strategies that I’ve found most effective anecdotally over my decade in practice as a Sleep Coach.

PMADs and Special Needs

We can’t talk about baby sleep without discussing PMADs—the relationship between inadequate sleep and mood disorders is strong. We’ll also review pediatric special needs that commonly lead to sleep troubles and how to support these children.

The Science of Sleep

Understanding how and why we sleep helps illuminates the importance of quality rest. It also sheds light on why certain habits lead to poorer quality sleep (and exhausted parents!). We’ll cover the latest in sleep science from birth through childhood.


Stress is a commonly overlooked cause of poor sleep and insomnia in both adults and children. You’ll learn how stress impacts sleep and tools to reduce stress at bedtime and beyond. We’ll cover mindfulness in this section as well, and practice some mindful breathing and visualizations ourselves!

Nutrition, Bottle, and Body/Breastfeeding

What a baby or child consumes during the day has significant bearing on nighttime sleep. We’ll discuss the relationship between nutrition and sleep, common challenges in feeding and diet that often lead to poor sleep, and how to resolve them.


In Track II, which will begin after completion of Track I (the prerequisite), we’ll take a deeper dive into:

  • common challenges in sleep coaching,

  • intake forms and sleep plans,

  • ethical guidelines in sleep coaching,

  • when to refer,

  • how to set professional boundaries,

  • and how to get your business started.

Course Requirements for Certification by the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants

If you’re interested in receiving certification from the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants, you’ll need to complete the following (and I’ll guide you through!) to get their stamp of approval:

  • 80+ hours of program including: 50+ of teaching and 30+ self-study

  • 50 hours of practicum with clients

  • Minimum of 12 assignments

  • Final project tracking the 50 hours of practicum

  • 5 evaluations from past clients of students

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you will be over the moon happy with the Supporting Stellar Sleep training that we’re offering a 30-Day, no questions asked, money-back policy. We don’t want this to be a stressful decision for you.

Meet your lead teacher

Hi, I’m Liz, and I believe that every human deserves stellar sleep. I founded and lead Little Dipper Sleep — a sleep coaching and sleep education practice based in Chapel Hill, NC, serving clients worldwide. We provide flexible, inclusive, evidence-backed sleep coaching services, programs, and classes to parents of kiddos, from newborns through elementary school and beyond. We’re known for our unique and effective programming which equips parents with what nearly all sleep programs miss: the mindset tools and scientific insight they need to thrive and confidently set the stage for peaceful nap times and bedtimes.

At Little Dipper, we’re also passionate about sharing free and accessible sleep education through community partnerships and non-profit organizations, with the vision of quality sleep becoming the norm for everyone—not just those who can afford a private Sleep Coach.

I shaped my approach to sleep coaching with my Masters in Public Health in Health Behavior and Health Education from UNC-Chapel Hill, years of sleep obsession and overly enthusiastic self-education, multiple certifications in yoga (including kids’ yoga), and years working with The Baby Sleep Site and Huckleberry, the AI sleep app. Today, as an advocate for all tired humans, I’m committed to helping all families discover the magic of stellar sleep regardless of income level or background.

I currently live in Chapel Hill, NC, with my husband and two kiddos who sleep well now but definitely didn’t come by it naturally. My family also includes three ducks, Fluffy, Daffy, and Peach, whose quacking thankfully doesn’t keep everybody awake.

Thanks for listening, ya’ll. If you’re a sleep enthusiast too, I’m sure we’ll cross paths.
