Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the most common questions we get here at Little Dipper.
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No matter where you are, we’ll create a customized, flexible, evidence-based, healthy sleep plan to best meet your unique needs — your North Star Strategy for Stellar Sleep.
If you purchase a coaching package, you’ll receive an intake form with loads of questions so that we understand your family’s unique sleep history, lifestyle, parenting style, temperaments, and goals. From there, we collaborate to come up with your 100% personalized sleep plan. As your coach, we are there to help you stay the course through thick and thin, cheerleading, offering empathy, insight and solutions, shoulders to cry on, and high fives. The amount of follow-up coaching you receive is entirely up to you.
No problem. We offer virtual coaching, virtual group coaching, and self-paced, digital courses.
Absolutely! Quality sleep is a human right that every human deserves. And we mean EVERY human. Please email for sliding scale and scholarship options.
All tired humans, plain and simple. Adults, kids, parents, and caregivers. We aren’t a service just for the “tired mamas” out there. We are dedicated to equity and access to care for all people regardless of race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.
Maybe. It’s always possible, but some kids don’t get past their sleep issues until they’re 5 or 6 years old, or even older. As Sleep Coaches, we help you lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy sleep habits. With that in mind, it’s wise to give the gift of sleep to your child (and yourself!) sooner rather than later.
For most families, this process starts yielding permanent, positive changes within 1-2 weeks. Timelines do vary, depending on your goals and your child’s temperament (or your own).
Consistency is the key. When a child’s parent or caregiver is diligent with the process, results come more quickly and last longer.
Absolutely not. In many families, “sleep training” is unnecessary because we help you resolve the root cause of the problem, yielding peaceful sleep with no behavioral modification or tears. However, in some cases, parents decide that changes need to be made to how or where a child falls asleep. As trained and experienced Sleep Coaches, we’ve seen a variety of sleep training (although we prefer the terms sleep teaching/learning or sleep coaching) methods work like a charm - some with very little crying, some with a lot, temperament and method depending. Again, the most important factor is consistency, so your ability and willingness to commit to a plan is the #1 consideration. Our role is to support you in the path forward that feels right to you — your own “true north” as a parent.
Not the way we do it! We look at root causes and we ensure that secure attachment is fostered and maintained every step of the way.
Yes! If you’re breastfeeding and want to keep at it, go for it. Switching to formula will not help your baby’s sleep issues, and it’s totally possible to breastfeed and work on sleep at the same time - we did it ourselves as parents of babies and have helped thousands of parents do the same. Of course, if you choose to formula feed, that’s great too! We support whatever makes you and your baby happy and healthy.
Yes, we keep it super simple. You don’t need a daily meditation practice or anything of the like.
With our simple and effective Mindful Method for SleepTM, we equip you with what nearly all other sleep programs miss: the mindset tools and scientific insight you need to thrive and confidently set the stage for peaceful naptimes and bedtimes. Our babies pick up on our stress, which undermines their ability to sleep well. We will teach you simple tools to reduce your stress. No previous mindfulness experience needed!
Maybe. If you live within 20 miles of ZIP code 27510, we are available for in-home coaching and assessment, subject to availability. There is an additional fee for in-home work.

“The first time my daughter slept through the night, I wrote Liz a very excited email and even cried at how much she had helped me. There is no way we could have done it without her, and I am immensely grateful.
Now, we are working on naps, which has been tougher - but Liz has been amazingly helpful. If you are having trouble with your baby’s sleep, seriously consider working with Little Dipper.
They are extremely knowledgeable, have many different techniques they can go over with you, and are very respectful of how you would like to approach it. Most of all, Little Dipper will provide you with a source of support that will really help to make the outcomes of sleep coaching successful.”
— Anna